Monday, September 1, 2008

31 August'08

sally has call us go to pyramid to countdown...but the days before jane has told me taht she have to go to KL to do her hair show something. so i also not feeling like going too. I told Sally about it and that day she also quite emo because of somebody. actually i am quite disappointed lar because actually we say we want go together but then we cant make it... and we din not countdown together. i hope nevt time maybe the christmas or new year we can together celebrate. but then jane say maybe we also did a right thing because pyramid did not have fire works...?? and there was so crowded. maybe u are right my dear.... umm... i really don't know how about her mood already....hope u will alright now my babe....i really hope that u can forgot about him and find a good one...he is not your type bah...i think is just a feel will be okay my's need time...=p so we have to celebrate with fen birthday on this friday i hope you will become a happy gal...i really like previous YOU!!! u need not worry...i will always beside you and if u have any problems then just tell me....will surport and help u 4eva....!!! do not be touch ya...hehe...we are babes and sisters.... don 4get this kay!! miss ya and muackxxx

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